"Young parents with children in daycare, on the other hand, who now might be paying $145 a week for an infant would have to pay an extra $10.15 per week in taxes, which tallies to an extra $528 per year.
On the other end of the spectrum, basic care in an assisted-living facility is now about $2,400 per month. Under Richardson's plan, that would jump $168 per month, or an extra $2,016 in taxes.
"Home ownership would be more costly as well since the real estate commission and closing costs would be taxed, along with your cable, Internet and insurance bills and the cost of home repairs," Radford says.
And let's not forget about food. The average family in the South spends about $5,030 a year on food, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Under Richardson's plan, that would mean an extra $353 per year in taxes."
The more you look at the speaker's plan, the worse it looks.